понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

New project STOP TUBERCULOSIS coming soon

Read about ...
In 1982, the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) proposed that March 24 be proclaimed as the official World TB Day. In 1996, WHO joined hands with IUATLD and today, Stop TB partnership has been formed as a network of organizations and countries
Over the years, IPSF has been a strong advocate of organizing this campaign so as to promote the awareness about tuberculosis (TB).
This year’s theme is On the Move against Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is a chronic infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (and occasionally other variants of Mycobacterium). It usually involves the lungs.
Common symptoms of TB are
• Common cough with a progressive increase in production of mucus
• Coughing up blood
• Fever
• Loss of appetite
• Weight loss
• Night sweats
Do you know that:-
• Someone in the world is newly infected with TB bacilli every second.
• Overall, one third of the world’s population is currently infected with the TB bacillus.
• 5-10 % of people who are infected with TB bacillus become sick or infectious at some time during their life.
• An estimated 1.4 million people died from T.B in 2010.
Because of this, it is even more important that we raise awareness among the general public about this deadly disease.

четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.

Blood giving for children with leukemia

On february 5, 2013 at 10:00 am, On the ground floor of the administrative building of Medical University the Student’s Council of Pharmacy Faculty has organized blood giving for children with leukemia.  The doctors from The Blood Center after Yoylan  had an active contribution to this program for saving the lives of children with leukemia.
Students of different  university had an active participetion im it.
Volientire if an integral part of healthy lifestyle.
We express auer greate gratitude to all the participants for supporting this program.

вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Robotic Pharmacy at UCSF Medical Center

This video introduces the UCSF Medical Center’s robotic pharmacy, which is designed to ensure that the right patient gets the right medication at the right time, reducing the chance of medication error and, in the case of IV medicines, of contamination. The goal is to relieve pharmacists of the mechanical aspect of the practice, freeing them up to make sure patients get the right medication.

понедельник, 11 февраля 2013 г.

World Day of the Sick (February 11th)

Around the world there are thousands of Mercy men and women ministering in health care. It is therefore very fitting that we celebrate the ministry of care of the sick on February 11th which is now recognised as World Day of the Sick.

World Day of the Sick has three consistent themes. First, it reminds us to pray intensely and sincerely for those who are sick. Perhaps you might like to visit this page, where you will find requests for prayers through Catherine’s intercession for people who are sick. You might also like to pray at Catherine’s grave or in her chapel for the ailing people you know. You can do this virtually by linking here or here.

Second, the celebration invites us to reflect on and respond to human suffering. On this day in particular, we focus on the redemptive value of human suffering and on the important role of those who are sick in the work of spreading the Gospel. Whether it is one’s own illness, loneliness or pain, or that of a loved one, it creates a special bond with Christ’s Paschal Mystery and also with the suffering people of the world and those who minister to them.

And third, this day recognizes and honours all persons who work in health care and minister as caregivers. In his message for World Day of the Sick, Pope Benedict referred to caregivers of the sick as a ‘sign and instrument of Christ's compassion’. The Pope’s words echo the words of Catherine and it is fitting on this day that all Mercy people, engaged in care of the sick, recall some of her challenging words

The Student Council of Faculty Pharmacy in Yerevan State University After Mkhitar Heraci

The Student  Council of Faculty Pharmacy in Yerevan State University After Mkhitar Herasi

The Student  Council of Faculty Pharmacy was established in 1994.
Since its foundation the Student  Council of Faculty Pharmacy  has been headed by`
A.Khachatryan 1994-1995
A.Ghazaryan    1995-1997

T. Pinachyan    1997-1998
H. Tanayan      1998-1999
K. Abroyan     1999-2000
A. Matinyan     2000-2001
B. Khachunts   2001-2003
C. Khachaturian 2003-2004
Karen Dilbaryan  2004
Martha Simonyan 2005
Arsen Mirzoyan   2005-2006
Sirush Smbatyan   2006-2008
Nelly Harutyunyan  2008-2009
Mary Antonyan for 2009-2011
V. Mkrtchyan, 2011. to this day.

Since its inception, the Student  Council of Faculty Pharmacy has been dedicated to support self-government and self-management procedures and promote the students  social, scientific, intellectual, cultural, ethic and spiritual development.

Educational and scientific sphere

Organizing “Best Group”, “Best student” competitions and rewarding winners
Organizing “Debate Club”
Conduction of surveys and analysis of further results
Holding student scientific conferences
Organization of student meetings

Leaders of   Student  Council of Faculty Pharmacy
 President V. Mkrtchyan
Vice President - Arthur Sargsyan
 Deputy    -   Areg Galstyan
Secretary  - Ani Nahapetyan

Faculty of Pharmacy Council of meetings are held every Friday at 14:30.

This is English Version Of Armenian Pharmacological Blog.
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